Ulaanbaatar studies

BATSUURI, Bolormaa. FÜRST, Christine. MYAGMARSUREN, Buyandelger. (2020). "Estimating the Impact of Urban Planning Concepts on Reducing the Urban Sprawl of Ulaanbaatar City Using Certain Spatial Indicators", Land 2020, 9, 495; doi:10.3390/land9120495

CALDIERON, Jean., MILLER, Rick. (2013). "Residential Satisfaction in the Informal Neighborhoods of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia", Enquiry The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research, 7(1). 

D'ALENÇON, Renato., KUMMEL, Olivia., LYNEN, Leona., MISSELWITZ, Philipp. (2014). "Nomad city - Ger settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Улаанбаатар хотын гэр суурьшил", Weltstadt, no.8. Ulaanbaatar

EROFEEV, Nikolay. STANEK, Łukasz. (2021). Integrate, Adapt, Collaborate: Comecon Architecture in Socialist Mongoliahttps://doi.org/10.4000/abe.12604

FRASER, Richard. (2021). "In-Between the Rural and the Urban: Skill and Migration in Ulaanbaatar's Ger Districts". Ethnos.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2021.1909628

HAMIDUDDIN, Iqbal., Daniel Fitzpatrick., Rebekah Plueckhahn., Uurtsaikh Sangi., Enkhjin Batjargal., and Erdenetsogt Sumiyasuren. (2021). "Social Sustainability and Ulaanbaatar’s ‘Ger Districts’: Access and Mobility Issues and Opportunities". Sustainability 2021, 13(20), 11470; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011470

HAMIDUDDIN, Iqbal., Rebekah Plueckhahn. (2021). "From the ger districts to the city centre: contrasts and inequities of access and mobility in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia"

HOMMAGE, Léa. (2013). "Quand la steppe devient urbaine".  Link 2

HØJER, Lars and PEDERSEN, Morten Axel. (2019). Urban Hunters: Dealing and Dreaming in Times of Transition. Yale University Press. USA

KHATANBAATAR, N. (2012). Ikh Khureeny üüsel ba Baruun Khüree, Saridagyn Khiid [The Establishment of Ikh Khüree, Western Khüree and Saridagyn Temple]Studia Historica Instituti Historiae Academiae Scientiarum Mongoli. Tomus XLI-XLII, Fasc. 8. pp. 72-91

MILLER, J. Eric. (2013). Nomadic and domestic: dwelling on the edge of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. University of California, Los Angeles

MILLER, Rick. (2017). “Setling between Legitimacy and the Law : At the Edge of Ulaanbaatar’s Legal Landscape”, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, XXIX(1), p. 7-22.

NICOLAS, Capillon., YVES, Roujon. (2001). A Oulan-Bator, organiser la densification d'un tissu urbain. Versailles : Ecole d'architecture de Versailles 

PLUECKHAHN, Rebekah. (2017). "The Power of Faulty Paperwork – Bureaucratic Negotiation, Land Access and Personal Innovation in Ulaanbaatar", Inner Asia, 19(1), p. 91-109.

PLUECKHAHN, Rebekah., Terbish Bayartsetseg. (2018). "Negociation, social indebtedness, and the making of urban economies in Ulaanbaatar ", Central Asian Survey, 37(3), p. 438-456.

PLUECKHAHN, Rebekah. (2020). Shaping Urban Futures in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Dynamic Ownership and Economic Flux. UCL Press, London

SKINNER, Alex Hayden. (2016). "Resisting closure: The political dynamism of an unfinished tower in Ulaanbaatar".

SZALONTAI, Balazs. (2016). “From the Demolition of Monasteries to the Installation of Neon Lights: The Politics of Urban Construction in the Mongolian People’s Republic”. In: Wongsurawat W. (eds.) Sites of Modernity. The Humanities in Asia, vol 1. pp. 161–179. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

SZCZAP, Paweł. (2018). "Remarks on Ulaanbaatar Place Names". Khot baiguulaltyn tüükhen üil yavts: öngörsön, odoo, ireedüi [Historical process of urban development: past, present and future], a research conference proceedings, pp. 231-250. Ulaanbaatar.

SZCZAP, Pau (2020). "Development strategies for Ulaanbaatar according to the conception for the city’s 2040 General Development Plan - part 2". Kwartalnik Boyma, 2 (4). Warszawa

SZOBER, Wincenty. (1965). “Architekci polscy w Mongolii”Architektura, no. 11, pp. 472-478. Warszawa

TSULTEMIN, Uranchimeg. (2021). A Monastery on the Move: Art and Politics in Later Buddhist Mongolia. University of Hawai'i Press. Canada

YATSUO, Hiroshi. (2016). "Actual Condition of Detached Houses and the Way of Living in the Ger Area, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia". 東京工芸大学工学部紀要 Vol. 39 No.1.

YATSUO, Hiroshi. (2018). "Urbanization and Traditional Dwellings in Contemporary Mongolia: Housing management and Home Construction in Ger Area, Ulaanbaatar", Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

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Affordable Housing Institute. (2014). Affordable Housing Strategy for Ulaanbaatar. Boston

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Asian Development Bank. (2020). Office of the Special Project Facilitator’s Lessons LearnedPhilippines

Emiel Wegelin., D. Myagmar., ADB. (2016). Urban Development Assessment of the CHP 5 Neighboring Area in Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar

Far East BRT. (2013). Ulaanbaatar BRT Planning and Design. Far East Mobility. Guangzhou, China

IOM, Irim. (2021). Research Study on Assessing the Effectiveness of Migration Restrictions in Ulaanbaatar City and Migrants’ Vulnerability

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ENKHBAT, Minjmaa. (2020). Housing a nomadKTH Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm

LEUNG, Thomas Kar Bo. (2022). Mapping Relations: Mongolian Nomadism and the City. Architecture Thesis Bartlett UCL

OTGONJARGAL, Munguntuya. (?). Building a National Vision for the Right to Housing in Mongolia. Master's thesis, Urban and Regional Planning Program. University of Illinois


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