Number of foreign workers in Mongolia dropped by 12.2 percent


Source: MONTSAMEUnurzul.M (
National Statistics Office

2021-01-12 14:54:12

At the end of December 2020, 4.0 thousand foreign citizens from 89 foreign countries worked in Mongolia under the labor contract to earn wage and income or voluntarily without the purpose of earning wage and income. Compared with the same period of the previous year, the number of countries decreased by six, and the number of foreign workers decreased by 562 (12.2%).

Of all foreign workers with labor contracts in Mongolia, 3.5 thousand (86.0%) were male, and 0.5 thousand (14.0%) were female. Of all foreign workers in Mongolia, 51.2% were from China, 6.4% -- the Russian Federation, 5.3% -- S.Korea, 5.0% -- Australia, 3.7% -- the United States, 3.3% -- South Africa, 2.9% -- Philippines, 2.6% --Vietnam, 2.5% -- the Great Britain, 2.0% -- Canada, 2.0% -- India, 1.2% -- Japan and the remaining 11.9% -- other countries.